We provide audit, review & consulting services to support legal and conveyancing companies in complying with their AML obligations.
Inherent Risk
Both domestic and international evidence and guidance highlight the ML/TF risks presented by the legal sector. The easy access and wide geographic spread of legal services, coupled with lawyers’ gatekeeper role and use in every phase of ML/TF and in many different ML/TF typologies, means this sector presents a medium-high inherent risk of ML/TF.
Captured Activities
Acting as a formation agent for legal persons or legal arrangements. Acting as, or arranging someone to act as, a nominee director, nominee shareholder or trustee. Providing an office or address for a company or legal arrangement. Managing client funds, accounts, securities, or other assets. Providing real estate agency work to effect a transaction. Engaging in or giving instructions on behalf of a customer to another person for a range of specified services.
How We Can Help
We’ve enabled over 1000+ reporting entities with their AML obligations. Get in touch with one of our qualified specialists today.
We’re proud to assist small to enterprise-scale businesses across all sectors
